Buzzworthy Behaviors & the Sting of Human Stressors

- 7:00 p.m.: Kids’ activities and natural history displays
- 7:15 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.: Guided tour of the Brackenridge Field Lab (please remember to wear sturdy shoes and bring water!)
- 8:00 p.m.: Deep dive talk on “Buzzworthy Behaviors & the Sting of Human Stressors”
- 8:45 p.m.: Q&A with the speaker
Explore how bees learn about flowers – and also how pesticides impact bees’ behavior, foraging and all that they do to pollinate and help make our world as we know it possible.
Flowers fascinate with their shapes, colors and scents, but how do bees learn to navigate all this floral diversity? And how do plants ensure that pollinators do their job?
Discover the buzz about bees and blooms with Ph.D. candidate Leeah Richardson. We will explore the fascinating world of bee foraging, from exploring their brains and behaviors to understanding how farming practices and landscapes impact our diverse bee communities.

Leeah Richardson received her bachelor of science in entomology with minors in cognitive science and education from Cornell University and is currently a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate studying bees in the Department of Integrative Biology at UT Austin.
Brackenridge Field Laboratory (BFL)
2907 Lake Austin Blvd.