A.I. and the Clean Energy Revolution: A PT2050 Panel and Networking Event

A technician inspects one solar panel in a vast array of panels.
Event starts on this day




Event starts at this time 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
In Person (view details)
Featured Speaker(s): Sandy Eapen
Cost: Free
Learn about shaping sustainable technology solutions for Texas and beyond with the Texas Exes Sustainability Alumni Network at the UT Planet Texas 2050 Symposium.


  • 5 - 6 p.m. (Panel)
  • 6 - 7 p.m. (Networking Happy Hour)

Artificial intelligence is changing how we live, but it also represents an enormous strain on an already taxed energy grid. Learn what role each of us can play in the simultaneous clean energy and AI revolutions. This discussion, with Michael Webber and Javad Mohammadi of the Cockrell School of Engineering and others, will explore key challenges and opportunities for the state and its tech and power sectors, as well as whether a new energy policy may be needed to meet the tremendous and unique power demands of AI. Participants will learn what role AI itself may play in addressing the challenges of grid reliability, cybersecurity and fair energy distribution across urban and rural areas throughout Texas.  

Register for this and other sessions happening throughout the three-day Planet Texas 2050 annual symposium, which explores diverse and intersecting aspects of resilience. Presenters from multiple universities representing more than 20 academic disciplines will be joined by practitioners and community-based leaders from Austin and beyond. 

Sandy Eapen

Sandy Eapen is an ESG (Environmental, social and governance), sustainability and social impact strategist with over 20 years of global experience. She holds an MBA and Master of International Affairs from Columbia University, as well as a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from UT Austin.


William C. Powers Student Activity Center
2201 Speedway
Legislative Assembly Room (2.302)

Parking: Brazos Garage
